How to Build Healthy Learning Habits
How to Build Healthy Learning Habits
Nobody wants to spend exam season in a mad panic, which is why it is important to encourage your child to build healthy learning habits now. Getting these habits cemented early ensures that come exam time, your child is calm and confident in their studying abilities. As your child goes through school, they’ll have more and more responsibility for their learning, and these habits can help them all the way through. Read on to learn more about developing healthy learning habits.
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Identify and minimise distractions
Children can find it hard to focus if there’s too much going on. It doesn’t help that most kids have access to the ultimate distraction – smartphones! If your child has a smartphone, ask them to put it somewhere out of reach for the duration of their study session. If they don’t trust themselves to resist, ask them to surrender the device to you until they’re done. If they don’t require it while studying, turning off the wi-fi can also minimise distractions. Ask your child to identify anything that might become a distraction and what they can do to manage this. If you do this enough, your child will begin doing it automatically, leading to better focus and fewer interruptions while they’re working.
Work around strengths and weaknesses
Use your child’s strengths and weaknesses to develop a personal study plan. Work with your child to figure out which areas they are thriving in and which areas present challenges. Focusing on strengths can help to build their confidence. Encourage your child to think about their strengths and how they can be used as tools for studying. Learning to recognise their weaknesses is equally important. Once they are aware of the challenges they face, they can adapt their studying habits to accommodate these. If they struggle with maths, they can dedicate more time to figuring it out or leave it for a time they know someone will be around to help.
Teach your child to prioritise
Learning how to prioritise is an essential skill for studying. Keeping an eye on due dates is helpful, but it might not be the only way for your child to prioritise homework. Some kids prefer to start with easier work before moving on to the harder stuff. Others prefer to tackle the tough things first. Watch your child see which option makes the most sense, so you can talk about it.
Create a dedicated study space
Having the right space to study can make all the difference. Somewhere quiet and comfortable with little to no distractions is the ideal study spot. Establish rules for when your child is in their study zone. Let people in the house know that when the door is closed, it means they do not want to be disturbed. It is a good idea to try and study away from areas where they eat and sleep. They also might like to try studying in different places around the house, as this can sometimes help them remember what they have learnt.
Take breaks and pace out study
It is more effective to spread out studying over time rather than doing it all at once. For example, it is better to spend an hour a day studying maths from Monday to Friday than to spend five hours on it on Monday. Spreading out their learning helps students remember what they have learned for longer. Taking intentional breaks has been linked to better retention, increased attention, and boosts in energy. Make sure there’s time to rest now and then! While taking a break, go for a quick walk or do some stretches. Try to avoid using your phone if possible, as this has been linked to a decrease in productivity while working.
Need help with your child’s study?
If your child is struggling with studying, a tutoring service may be beneficial. 123 Tuition delivers affordable, home-based maths and English tuition from Year 1 to NCEA Level 2, fully aligned to the New Zealand curriculum and your child’s specific learning requirements. Our program provides everything from planning, teaching, and marking to live support, all for as little as $29.95 per week, per family, not per child!
Book your free assessment with 123 Tuition today and learn how our maths and English programs can bring out the best in your child.